
On each Full Moon Luang Por Munindo sends out a Dhammapada verse with a few lines of comment for reflection. If you wish to receive this message via email, fill in with your email address

Alternatively, these Dhammapada Reflections can be viewed at

Translations in 6 languages are also available.

Note that the verses used in this monthly Reflection are taken from, ‘A Dhammapada for Contemplation’, Aruna Publications. For more literal interpretations we encourage you to view other translations.

Request printed version be posted: Dhammapada Reflections Vol. 1 

Request printed version be posted: Dhammapada Reflections Vol.2

Request printed version be posted: Dhammapada Reflections Vol.3

Download e-book version: Dhammapada Reflections Vol.1 

Download e-book version: Dhammapada Reflections Vol.2

Download e-book version: Dhammapada Reflections Vol.3

FULL MOON – Keeping Quiet

Published October 13, 2019 06:00

Those who speak much
are not necessarily possessed of wisdom.
The wise can be seen
to be at peace with life
and free ... Read more

FULL MOON – Inner Strength

Published September 13, 2019 06:00

Strength of patience
is the might of noble beings;
they can be shackled,
endure verbal abuse and beatings,
... Read more

FULL MOON – Goodness

Published August 15, 2019 06:00

Having performed a wholesome act
it is good to repeat it.
Enjoy the pleasure of its memory.
The fruit of goodness is ... Read more

FULL MOON - Perfect Balance

Published April 19, 2019 06:00

It is good to be restrained in body.
It is good to be restrained in speech.
It is good to be restrained in mind. ... Read more