
On each Full Moon Luang Por Munindo sends out a Dhammapada verse with a few lines of comment for reflection. If you wish to receive this message via email, fill in with your email address

Alternatively, these Dhammapada Reflections can be viewed at

Translations in 6 languages are also available.

Note that the verses used in this monthly Reflection are taken from, ‘A Dhammapada for Contemplation’, Aruna Publications. For more literal interpretations we encourage you to view other translations.

Request printed version be posted: Dhammapada Reflections Vol. 1 

Request printed version be posted: Dhammapada Reflections Vol.2

Request printed version be posted: Dhammapada Reflections Vol.3

Download e-book version: Dhammapada Reflections Vol.1 

Download e-book version: Dhammapada Reflections Vol.2

Download e-book version: Dhammapada Reflections Vol.3

NEW MOON - Gentle Strength

Published August 24, 2014 07:30

Those who speak truth
and give gentle encouragement,
contending with no-one,
these do I call great beings.

... Read more

FULL MOON – Heedlessness

Published August 10, 2014 07:30

As a trader with precious cargo avoids threat,
and those who love life avoid poison,
so you should avoid evil ... Read more

NEW MOON - Harmlessness

Published July 26, 2014 07:30

To harm living beings who,
like us, seek contentment,
is to bring harm to ourselves.

Dhammapada 131

Self interest ... Read more

NEW MOON – Remorse

Published June 26, 2014 07:30

When we see clearly
our own lack of virtue
we are filled with grief;
here and hereafter we grieve.

Dhammapada v. 15

If we ... Read more


Published June 12, 2014 07:30

More than a thief,
more than an enemy,
a misdirected heart
brings one to harm.

Dhammapada v.42

A misdirected heart leads us ... Read more

NEW MOON – Harmony

Published May 28, 2014 07:30

Like the bamboo which destroys itself as it bears fruit,
so fools harm themselves by holding to wrong views
and deriding ... Read more

NEW MOON – Appearances

Published April 28, 2014 19:04

As a beautiful flower
with a delightful fragrance is pleasing,
so is wise and lovely speech
when matched with right ... Read more

FULL MOON – Quality Being

Published April 14, 2014 19:04

One who refrains from causing harm
by way of body, speech or mind,
can be called a great being.

Dhammapada v. 391

... Read more