
On each Full Moon Luang Por Munindo sends out a Dhammapada verse with a few lines of comment for reflection. If you wish to receive this message via email, fill in with your email address

Alternatively, these Dhammapada Reflections can be viewed at

Translations in 6 languages are also available.

Note that the verses used in this monthly Reflection are taken from, ‘A Dhammapada for Contemplation’, Aruna Publications. For more literal interpretations we encourage you to view other translations.

Request printed version be posted: Dhammapada Reflections Vol. 1 

Request printed version be posted: Dhammapada Reflections Vol.2

Request printed version be posted: Dhammapada Reflections Vol.3

Download e-book version: Dhammapada Reflections Vol.1 

Download e-book version: Dhammapada Reflections Vol.2

Download e-book version: Dhammapada Reflections Vol.3

NEW MOON – Equanimity

Published March 30, 2014 19:05

While in the midst
of those who hate,
to dwell free from hating
is happiness indeed.

Dhammapada v. 197

Usually we equate ... Read more

FULL MOON – Nourishment

Published March 15, 2014 18:05

Tasting the flavour of solitude
and the nectar of peace,
those who drink the joy
that is the essence of reality
abide ... Read more

NEW MOON – The World

Published February 28, 2014 18:06

I call them the peaceful ones,
who are calm in body,
in speech and in mind,
and who are thoroughly purged
of all worldly ... Read more

FULL MOON – Contentment

Published January 15, 2014 18:07

Do not show false humility.
Stand firmly in relation to your goal.
Practice, well-observed,
leads to contentment
both ... Read more

NEW MOON – One Word

Published December 31, 2013 18:08

A single word of truth,
which calms the mind,
is better to hear than a thousand
irrelevant words.

Dhammapada v. 100

... Read more