FULL MOON – Perfect Freedom

Published Wednesday, 13 July 2022

Gradually, gradually,
a moment at a time,
the wise remove their own impurities
as a goldsmith removes the dross.

Dhammapada v.239

If we have the concept that gold is inherently pure, we can be motivated to remove impurities within it. We don’t have to try to create pure gold because we trust that the potential for pure gold is already there within that which is impure. Similarly, we can consider that the potential for perfectly pure awareness - with its expression as wisdom and compassion - is already here within our somewhat scattered and impure awareness. We don’t have to create pure awareness; rather we give ourselves into the work of removing the impurities within the awareness we already have. Self-centred greed, hatred and confusion are not inherent in awareness. If they were the Buddha could never have realized perfect freedom and the beauty of selflessness.

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